If/When an event has enabled the ability to notify/chat with the event director staff, coaches and managers can send a message within their team registration to the event.
Step 1:
- Log into your account in which you're listed as a coach/manager and click on "Team Management".
Step 2:
- Click on the "Registrations" button.
Step 3:
- Within the search area, enter your Team or Event name and then click on the "Search" button.
Step 4:
- Once you have the search results, click on the team name that you're working on and want to send a message from.
Step 5:
- On the team registration, locate and click on the "Notify" button.
Step 6:
- After clicking the "Notify" button, enter your text that you would like to send to the event director and then click "Save".
Step 7:
- Once this has been done, you will see your message along with a date/time stamp.