This tool is to move players who registered to one program and need to be transferred to another program.
Moving registrations will delete any previous invoices linked to the registration's billing account and replace them with invoices from the new program. Registration form questions and answers will be not carried over to the new program as they may not match up exactly to the old program. This CANNOT be undone.
Step 1.
From your program registrations page, use filters to find the desired registration you want to move.
Step 2.
Click on the three dots to the right of the program registration and scroll down slightly to open up options.
Step 3.
Click on "Swap Programs"
Step 4.
Select the new program you want to transfer the player into and select the payment plan they are moving into.
Mark as Complete - This means they have gone through all the steps of registration.
Mark as Submitted - This means they have gone through and paid.
Remove team role (if applicable) - (i.e. the previous program asked for a team), that option gives the admin the ability to remove that team role automatically without having to search it out)
Step 5.
Select desired options and click "Save".