This article will teach and show the assignor how to give referees assignments via the chart view.
Step 1:
Go to the referee module. Click on assigning and match chart. This will take the assignor to the chart view. If the event director has given the appropriate access, you will see the various matches on the chart.
There are three important colors:
Red: No assignments on the match
Yellow: The game is partially assigned. This means that some assignments have been fulfilled but there are still open positions to assign.
Green: All assignments for this match have been given and are full. This does not indicate any acceptance of the game.
Step 2:
Click the match that the assignor wants to assign. The selected match will be highlighted in a solid blue box around the timeslot.
Step 3:
On the right-hand side, select the pencil next to the position the assignor wants to fill. A dropdown list will appear of available referees. If you do not see a referee, that means they are not available. Select the referee and save the position.
NOTE: A referee cannot be available for multiple reasons. Examples in the following:
- The referee is not in the event
- Has another assignment at the same time
- Blackouts or have set their availability restricting timeslots
Step 4:
Repeat step 3 for each postion and game. Click the save button at the bottom of the screen.