This will allow a club to build a roster one time, and any event "Sourcing" that single roster, will see the changes in real-time, as it is one single roster for both events.
If you are a League looking to do this, click here to go to our other on How to Create a Single Source Roster Event as a League
- First, you will create the "Single Source Roster" Event that the other events will reference. In this example, it is the roster "Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association/LVYSL 21/22 Official Roster".
- Once this is created we will add that roster to the event(s) we would like this roster to pull from, in this example "Fall 2021 LVYSL Playing League"
- To do this we will go to "Scheduling" followed by "Events", here you will select the Event you are adding this "Single Source Roster" to.
- Here you will select "Access and Options" followed by "Roster Source Options". In the drop-down you will select the "Single Source Roster" you would like this event to pull from.
- Check off the box that says "Require team selection of roster source event" followed by the event you are pulling from (Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association/LVYSL 21/22 Official Roster)
Below is a screenshot of what that section needs to look like.
- Now if you would like to Add/Remove players you can go to that Single Source Roster "Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association/LVYSL 21/22 Official Roster" and Add/Remove from there. This will immediately be seen by all events that are sourcing that roster.
(Below is a screenshot of the event's roster with a player currently rostered.)
- If we change the event in the drop-down to the "Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association/LVYSL 21/22 Official Roster" we can add/remove players here and see those changes live in the event roster.
(Below is screenshots of removing a player from the Single Source Roster, Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association/LVYSL 21/22 Official Roster)
- Removing a player under "Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association/LVYSL 21/22 Official Roster", we will see in the next screenshot under the event's roster that the player has been removed as well.
- Now, If we go back to our Event Roster, we see that the player was also removed. All rosters will show immediate changes when a player is added or removed from the "Single Source Roster".