- This article demonstrates how to complete US Club Soccer's background screening. For more information, please visit the Staff Registration web page on usclubsoccer.org.
- There are two steps to submit your background screening. Please be sure to read to the end of this article.
STEP #1:
- Log into your GotSport account via https://system.gotsport.com. (How to Login)
STEP #2:
- Access the US Club Soccer Requirements section of your GotSport dashboard as detailed in the View your GotSport profile & US Club Soccer requirements dashboard - Staff help article.
STEP #3:
- Locate the Background Check requirement.
- If your status is Fulfilled for the applicable season, no further action is necessary.
- If your status is Required, Expired or something similar for the applicable season, please click Details next to the background check requirement and proceed to Step #4 below.
STEP #4:
- Click Submit New Report.
STEP #5:
- Complete the form, review all acknowledgements, and click the checkbox for each acknowledgement if you agree.
- Sign your name on the signature line (works with mouse or touchscreen), then click Save.
- Lastly, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page to submit Part 1 of your application.
STEP #6:
- Submit payment.
- If your club has purchased prepaid credit for your background check, enter the Voucher Code, then click Submit. Then, proceed to Step #7.
- Or, if your club has not purchased prepaid credit and you will pay for the background screening yourself, click Credit Card Checkout.
- If you clicked Credit Card Checkout, input your credit card information, select the Yes Agree To Payment Terms checkbox, and click Pay.
STEP #7:
- Continue and submit your application via JDP, US Club Soccer’s background screening provider.
- You will then receive an email from JDP and US Club Soccer to complete part 2 of the background screening application. YOU ARE NOT DONE UNTIL YOU HAVE CLICKED ON THE LINK IN THE EMAIL AND SUBMITTED PART 2 OF THE BACKGROUND CHECK APPLICATION. The email will look like the following screenshot:
If you do not receive the email, you can access your unique background check link by:
- Repeat steps #1 and #2 above
- Click the Link button in the Quick App column next to your application submission. You will then be redirected to JDP's website to complete part 2 of the background screening application.