Step 1:
- From your Dashboard, click 'Club Management', then 'Players'
Step 2:
- Click 'Upload Players'.
Step 3:
- Click on "Download template with only required columns" or "Download Template". A blank template .csv file will download and you can utilize it to match up your Players information to prepare for the upload.
- The Instructions table will guide you through the correct format and required data fields needed for the upload.
Note: When the information is complete in your template, be sure to save the file as either a .csv or .txt file so it is compatible for the upload. An Excel (.xls), Numbers, or Google Sheet file will not be compatible
Step 4:
- Go to the Import into Club section and fill in the information needed for the upload. Please select US CLUB for the affiliation.
- You will be required to include the Competitive Level for each of the Players (the list of available Competitive Levels will populate once the Affiliation is selected for you to include in your player upload file)
- NOTE*** You must type out the affiliation level in your spreadsheet the exact same as it appears in the screenshot. For example, if you choose Competitive, the ‘C’ must be capitalized, all other letters lowercase, and no space behind Competitive.
Note: You can also assign the players to their teams through the upload as well by checking off the Team Upload checkbox. This step is not required to upload your Players. If selected, you would be required to include three additional columns in the upload file. 1) Team Name, 2) Team Age, and 3) Team Gender.
Step 5:
- Click 'Choose File' to select your file and click the Open Selected File button
Step 6:
- Once you have uploaded your .csv / .txt file, Click 'Open Selected File'.
Step 7:
- From here you will match up the Column Headers from your Player Upload file and click the Import Data. You will receive an email with the results from the upload to determine which accounts were created.
- Note: The Columns Headers do not have to be in the order of the Required Columns list from the Instructions table, as long as each of the required columns are matched up then the upload will be completed
- After you import your data, you will receive a message stating "Your import has been queued. You will receive an email with the results when the import is finished processing.
Note: Depending on the size of your import, this can take several minutes to complete.
- When the import is finished processing, you will now see your newly imported players in your "Club Management" > "Players" list