Step 1:
- From your Dashboard, click 'Club Management', then 'Coaches'.
Step 2:
- Click 'Upload Coaches'.
Step 3:
- Click on 'Download Template'
- A template will show up for you with several fields. Make sure you have the REQUIRED fields. filled out in your upload. PLEASE NOTE: That while only First Name, Last Name, and Email are required for import, the additional fields of address, city, state, ZIP Code, and DOB are required for US Club Soccer registration.
- Be sure to add a column on your spreadsheet for "Competitive Level" and spell it out exactly as the system shows. For example, if you choose Competitive the ‘C’ must be capitalized, all other letters lowercase, and no space behind Competitive.
Step 4:
- Once the Upload File has been formatted with the Coach information, go to the Import section and click 'Choose File' to select your file.
- Note: MAKE SURE TO SELECT US CLUB IN THE AFFILIATION DROPDOWN. When you select the Affiliation, you will be required to include the Competitive Level for each of the Coaches. The list of available Competitive Levels will populate once the Affiliation is selected for you to include in your Upload File
Step 5:
- Once you have uploaded your .csv / .txt file, Click 'Open Selected File'.
Step 6:
- From here you will match up the Column Headers from your upload file and click Import Data.
Note: If the column headers do not match when uploading your file, you will be able to update them accordingly before the step below. You can select (do not import) if you don't have the data for a specific field
- You will now see your newly imported coaches in Club Management > Coaches.
- If you need to add an additional role (Affiliate) to the User's profile you can do so by clicking on their name. On the right-hand side, you'll see a dropdown menu for Competitive Level that you can use to add a different affiliation level. NOTE*** If you change the competitive level for the same affiliation, it will not add an additional competitive level. You can only add additional competitive levels for different affiliations.