Enter Credentials
Log in using your GotSport credentials (same email/User ID).
Select Your Organization
The app will automatically default to your organization. If needed, use the scroll option to choose the correct organization. Once selected, navigate to Venue Settings.
Configure Event Settings
From the drop-down menus, select the appropriate Event(s), Section(s), and the desired action to take after a ticket is scanned. Once set, click Save.
Enable Camera and Scan Tickets
- Press the Scan button to begin scanning tickets. For first-time use, the app will request access to your device's camera. Select OK to allow access.
Align the scanner with the ticket's QR code to scan
Successful Scan
If the ticket is scanned successfully, a green bar labeled "Ticket Successfully Scanned" will appear at the top of the screen, along with the ticket details:
- Ticket Number
- Section
- Row
- Seat
- Event Name
- Organization Venue
- Date
- Ticket Holder
- Ticket Status
Unsuccessful Scan
If the scan fails, a red bar will indicate the error along with the ticket information.
Reasons for Unsuccessful Scan:
- Ticket is from the wrong event (past or future event) See screenshot below.
- Ticket has already been redeemed – This would be in the case a buyer tries to share their ticket with another guest to gain more than one entry with one single ticket.
- Ticket has not been sold yet – Their ticket would have been revoked and no longer exists.
Scanner Settings
The settings tab allows you to turn on the auto camera reload in the scenario of a successful scan.
It allows you to set up the camera reload speed as well.