An assignor can also restore matches from the “Detail” View. The following steps outline how an Assignor can Clear or Restore referee assignments.
From the assigning calendar, the Assignor clicks on the “Detail” tab. Matches that have stale assignments will be identified with a Red/Orange striped pattern, noted in the “Match Legend”.
When an assignor clicks on the match with stale assignments, two options will be available below the listed ”Stale Match Assignments”:
A) Clear Assignments – All Assignments are cleared and the match is restored to an unassigned state
B) Restore Assignments – All assignments are restored and the match refreshes with all assignments listed.
To Clear Assignments
To clear match assignments, the Assignor clicks on the ”Clear Assignments” blue text hyperlink.
After clicking on “Clear Assignments”, the match will refresh; with the stale identifier cleared and the match restored to its original unassigned state.
To Restore Assignments
To Restore match assignments, the Assignor clicks on the ”Restore Assignments” blue text hyperlink.
After clicking on “Restore Assignments”, the match will refresh, removing the stale identifier; with the original assignments restored with a green fully assigned match identifier.