This article will instruct Assignors on how to import/upload an external schedule.
Note: To import/upload a schedule, certain pieces of the event must be created. The event MUST have the Divisions created, Rounds set, and Venues/Fields included in the event to import schedules. Please refer to the 12 Steps to Build a League article for guidelines on the event setup.
Step 1:
Select the "Events" tab from your "Scheduling" Module, located on the left-hand side navigation menu.
Step 2:
Select the name of the event where you'd like to import your schedule.
Step 3:
Click on Current or Primary Schedule
Step 4:
Click on the import tab and select “Master Schedule”
Step 5:
Select your file from the file upload
*Save your "Matches" table in "UTF-16 Unicode Text (.txt)". File → Save As → File Format → UTF-16 Unicode Text (.txt)
Step 6:
Click Upload
A green “successfully saved” banner will appear when the upload is completed