Overview: In order to facilitate the Assignor approval process, the Event Director will have the option to designate a Referee Event Admin for their Event.
The Referee Event Admin will have the capability to:
A) Approve, Deny, or Remove Assignors and Assignor Requests.
How to approve an Assignor for an Event
B) Set Venue,Field, and Age Group permissions for all approved Assignors'.
How to link an Assignor to Venues & Fields
C) Manage Referee Positions and set Divisional/Age Group Pay Rates
Adding the Referee Event Admin Role
1. From your Event page, click on the Referees -> Admins tab
2. Click on the +New button, enter the information into the fields provided, and click "Add User"
3. The Referee Event Admin will now be listed under the "Referee Admins" list
Accessing the Referee Event Admin Role
Once the User has accessed their GotSport account, they can select their new "Event Admin" role from their role menu. (Top Right Square Icon)
The Referee Event Admin then selects the event that they would like to manage from their assigned list of events.