This article will provide League Admins with the steps of how to email their coaches who have a missing coach certification requirement.
Step 1:
- From your Dashboard, click the Communications module and select Contact Lists from the dropdown.
Step 2:
- Click the blue + New Contact List button.
- Create the Name of your new contact list and click Save.
Step 3:
- Select Saved Reports from the Category dropdown.
- Select the saved report you want to email coaches from -- "Unfulfilled Coach Certification Requirement".
- Click Add Block.
Step 4:
- Click Compose Message.
- Here you will type the message you would like to send to your coaches who have a missing coach certification requirement. In the message, you can include the support article link - How to Complete the Coach Certification Requirement.
- When finished with writing your message, you can either click Save (to send at a later date) or Send Now at the bottom of the page.