Here you will learn how to best build your rosters for your carding event.
Step 1:
From the Dashboard, select "Club Management" followed by "Roster Builder.”
Step 2:
- Here you will Select the Event you are going to build your Roster for and hit Submit.
***If you have already placed players on to your teams and your player list is populated, proceed with Step 3. Otherwise, if you are adding players for the very first time, please skip to Step 4.
Step 3:
- Bulk clone rosters from your teams' current player list by clicking the top Actions button, and selecting Bulk Clone Rosters from the dropdown.
Select your Current Team Roster and click Clone.
Click “OK” on the next pop up. The system is verifying you want to clone all rosters from your list of players.
Step 4:
- Click Add Filter and select the different filtering options on the dropdown to make your list of players smaller and more manageable.
- For example, if you are looking to setup your Female U16 teams first, you can filter by gender and event ages to exclude any players that are older than 16 on your list.
- You can also use the team filter in a similar manner to only see U16 teams for players to be rostered
Step 5:
- Add player(s) to a team by checking off the checkbox next to the player(s) name, and clicking Add to Team.
Note: All the players on the team currently have yellow triangles that signify they are pending approval by the event.
Once approved, those yellow triangles will change to green checkmarks.