This article will instruct new Officials joining the GotSport on how to create their GotSport Account, and how to register for their Assigning Organization.
To begin the process, every Official will need to have their own unique User ID; this includes youth referees. To Proceed with the Registration process, please click on the registration link provided by your Assignor:
Once you have selected the registration link, you will be prompted to log into GotSport. If you do not have a GotSport Account, you will be required to create one.
If the Official has a GotSport Account:
- Enter both your login and password (if known), and click Log In.
NOTE: If the user does not know their password, click "Forgot Password", and instructions to reset the password will be emailed to you. If you have not received a notification within 30 minutes, check your Junk/SPAM folder.
After you have signed in, click Register and follow the remaining prompts to complete the registration process.
If you do not have a GotSport account and login follow these instructions to Create An Account after clicking the registration link:
Click the Create Account link
Check the radio button that indicates if you are registering yourself or someone else.
NOTE: Anyone under 18 years old should be registered by their parent/guardian
If registering a Child/Minor (Required):
- The Registrant section will be the child/minor’s name and DOB
- Parent/Guardian Email/User ID and password which will be used to log into GotSport in the future.
- Set appropriate time zone.
If registering yourself (Adult 18 or Older):
- Set appropriate time zone
- Enter Email/User ID and password which will be used to log into GotSport in the future.
After completing the process to Create a GotSport Account the following instructions will register the user as a referee:
Locate the individual that you would like to register as a Referee and click "Register" next to their name.
- After selecting the individual to register, you will required to update the Users Personal information.
Specific fields to ensure are completed include:
- Referee Email/User ID - This must be a unique email that will be used to login to GotSport and receive any assignments. If this is a child/minor the Email/User ID can not be the same as the parent/guardian.
- Referee Contact Email – For children/minors the Referee Contact Email should be a parent/guardian email. The parent/guardian will be included on emails sent to children/minors.
- Time Zone – Ensure to update the time zone to the local time zone.
- To Complete the registration process make appropriate selections for the Registration and Payment (there is no cost) tabs
When all tabs are complete, the user will be defaulted to their Profile page. The Referee is now eligible to receive, accept, reject, and turn back Match Assignments.