This article will demonstrate the steps to correctly apply Sales Tax for any transactions that are processed through GotSport. By creating one Feature, you will be able to apply Sales Tax to Program Registrations, Event Registrations, and any Forms that your club/organization has set up.
Step 1:
- From your Admin Dashboard, click the Features module on the right side.
Step 2:
- On the right side, click "New Feature"
Step 3:
- Fill out the Feature settings.
- Some of the settings are not required, for example: Age To and Age From can be left blank to capture all age groups.
- However, the Maximum Quantity for a percentage can only be One. You will receive an Error message once you click Save if you missed a setting.
- Be sure to put your percentage in the Percent box, and mirror the below settings:
- TAX, Apply To Entire Cart, and Apply Only Once Per Cart are REQUIRED to be enabled for this functionality to work
- Required - Applies the taxes to every transaction
- Default Selected - If the item is not required, users may opt out by unselecting it.
- Show in List (Events Only) -Disregard for Tax-related Features
- Active - Enables the Feature to be used
- Global - Makes this feature available for all programs, contracts, etc. via a 'Quick Add' button
- Available After Registration - Disregard for Tax-related Features.
Tax - This correctly enables visibility on Tax Reporting. When you enable this setting, both the "Apply to Entire Cart" and "Allow Only One Per Cart" will automatically turn on and can't be turned off.
- Apply to Entire Cart - Applies this feature to the Entire Cart, instead of Individual Registrations. For example, if you have a 5% Tax Feature and you register two children at $250/player, the percentage fee will be applied to $500 (2 registrations at $250). The fee will be $25.
- Allow Only One Per Cart - Applies the feature only ONCE. For example, if you have a 5% Tax Feature, and you register two players at $250/player, it will only apply the feature one time. Combined with the above "Apply to Entire Cart", this will make it so the feature is only applied ONCE, to the CART TOTAL. Correctly applying Sales Tax to the cart total, and not off the individual fee.
As a result, the Tax % is applied to the initial transaction, and any subsequent payments through a payment plan. In the below example, a 6% tax was applied to a $900 Program Registration. The initial fee was $600, so an additional $54 was applied to that transaction. After that, the monthly payments of $100 have just a $6 additional fee, correctly applying the 6% per payment/transaction.