Step 1:
- From the Dashboard, click the "Club Management" dropdown and select "Roster Builder".
Step 2:
- Here you will select the "Event" and the teams you want to build roster for. Then click "Submit".
Step 3:
- Once you get to the Roster Builder page select the "Coaches" Tab.
Step 4:
- Drag and Drop the Coach to the desired team on the right.
Step 5:
- A pop up will appear asking for the "Position" once this is done select "Add Coach"
- The Coach will now appear on the team account.
- Click the Managers tab, and repeat steps 4 and 5.
Step 6:
- Once your coaches and managers have been added to the team's roster and you are ready to submit the roster to the state, click the green bulk approval button to bulk approve staff members on the team's roster.
- Coaches and managers with completed requirements will be listed in green text -- meaning they have been approved on the roster. Those that need additional items to be completed will show in a red error message along with what needs to be completed, and will remain Pending on the roster.