This article will show you how to self-schedule as Club Administrator for teams that are playing in the NWOYSL league. This article is specific to NWOYSL, but the only difference is that Drag and Drop is not supported, and you must click EDIT instead.
Step 1:
- From the Club Admin Dashboard select "Scheduling" and then click "As Participant"
Step 2:
- On the right side, click on "Self Scheduling"
Step 3:
- Use the calendar to find the Matches that are scheduled and click on the date
Step 4:
- Scoll to the bottom to see the list of unscheduled matches
- Click the "EDIT" button next to the match you want to schedule.
- NOTE*** Initially you will not drag and Drop the matches, instead be sure to click "edit" as mentioned. Once you've initially scheduled, you will be able to drag and drop from there.
Step 5:
- From here, you can verify the Venue and Field, as well as enter the Match Date and Start Time.
- Once entered, click SAVE to self-schedule the match.