To access your venues, from the dashboard click on "Venues."
From your list view of venues, click on the name of the venue to view its settings.
This initial page will show all settings for this venue where you can then edit/add any settings. You can also delete this venue by clicking "Delete" in the bottom right-hand corner. Once complete, click "Update Organization Venue" to save these settings.
To see how to add a field to this venue, click here.
To share this venue with other organizations you can either:
1.) On the list view of the Organization Venues, click the number under "Organizations."
2.) Click into the Organization Venue you want to add a field to and click the "Access" tab at the top of your screen.
Both of these options will bring you to the screen below where you can begin to type the organization's name in before selecting their name from the drop-down. Click "Share Venue" to then grant this organization access to this venue.