One major benefit of using the GotSport Program Registration platform is the ability to create fees and collect payments through GotSport. The below instructions will demonstrate how to set up your Program Registration Fees.
Step 1:
- From the Dashboard select Programs, from the drop-down select Programs List. If you have an existing program already, you will select the Name of the program. If you need to create a program, here is the support document for Creating a New Program.
Step 2:
- Here you will select Registration Fees and New Payment Plan.
Step 3:
- Here, you can create custom fees, give the fee a Name, Description, Gender, Age Range, and an Initial Fee (which is the full payment if not on a payment plan), Total Available (allows you to set a max number of registrants for a particular fee, Example: 5 Early Bird Discounts), and can select the payment options for the fee and make the fee active.
- Late Registration Settings is related to a payment plans. If you want to preserve the dates you've selected for the payment plans and backcharge the registrant. Or Instead of backcharging, the fee will stay the same, but additional payments will be taken out in the same time increments you have created.
- Choose the ONE form of payment ( Pay by credit card or Pay by check )
Step 4:
- If you want to create a Payment Plan, after you fill out the above info and create an initial fee, click New Scheduled Payment to set up the fee schedule. The payment plans are fully customizable and you can create a new payment date each time you click New Scheduled Payment.