In this video, you will be guided through step by step how to select and email Players who have yet not completed their Club Registration.
Step 1:
- From your admin view, click on Programs>Program Registrations
- Use the Filter if needed to help narrow down your search results.
Step 2:
- From your list view, you are able to see useful information. There is the program name, the name of the player registered as well as who registered them, when the registration was created, that applicants role, their payment plan choice as well as if they have paid, their gender and age and finally their registration application status.
The status of the registration for this program is a very useful tool that can notify you of some very useful information. The use of checkmarks and x's will show you the status of this player's application.
- This means the applicant is in the registration process and not to the checkout page yet. If you hover your mouse over the "x," it will notify you of which page they stopped:
- This means the applicant has completed the application process, but stopped on the checkout page and has not paid:
- This means the applicant has completed the application process and has fully checked out and paid:
These tools are very useful when there are any questions pertaining to the status of a registration. You can then use the tools in the next step to contact these applicants based on their registration status.
Step 3:
- Click the box next to the player(s) you want to email and click Send Message:
Step 4:
- Fill out the information for the email message and note you are able to use your custom signature. Once completed, click "Send."