This article will show you how to opt out of email communications.
- If you have received a message and would like to opt out of receiving future communications, you can/should locate the "Unsubscribe" button on the bottom left-hand side of the message and click on it:
- If you have not yet received a message but would like to opt in/out of any future communications, follow the steps below to do so:
Step 1:
- Log into your account at https://system.gotsport.com/
Step 2:
- Go to your "Account" tab. Scroll down on this page until you see the "OPT-OUT of Email Communications From" area.
Step 3:
Check the corresponding box for which organization you want to opt out of communication from or click on the box for "Opt out of all mass communications" to include all organizations.
- "UNCHECKED" means you will receive email communications from that club.
- "CHECKED" means you will not receive email communications from that club.
Step 4:
- Scroll to the bottom and click "Save".