Note: This is only available IF your state association/governing body gives the club the ability to approve/deny requirements. However, if you as a club have the access from your state association/governing body to approve your own risk management, CDC etc, then you can do this.
Step One:
Click the "Club Management" tab and select either "Coaches" or "Managers" (whichever their role is).
Step Two:
Search for the individual by either first name, last name, or Email/UserID. Click the name of the individual to access their profile.
Step Three:
When you get into the coach or manager's profile, click the "Requirements" tab at the top, and then click the blue link for the individual "Requirement Type". (Safe Sport, Heads Up, etc.)
Step Four:
Click the ID Number for the requirement, and then click the "Update Decision Status" dropdown. Select "Approve" and click "Update".