This article will demonstrate how a parent can upload documents into the correct child profile. Commonly, parents will mistakenly upload documents within their parent account, which is not correct. The document needs to be uploaded to the player account
The below video is from 2021, some of the buttons and screens look a bit different, but the process is still very similar. The below step by step article is up to date as of December of 2023.
Step 1:
- Sign into your GotSport Parent Account
- Select the "Account" tab at the top of the page. Then click the "Family" tab on the left-hand side
- NOTE*** Clicking Documents within your Parent account will not work. You MUST click the family tab to navigate to the player profile.
Step 2:
- Click on the name of your player you wish to upload documents for.
Step 3:
- You will now be within that player's account, now you may click the "Documents" tab on the left-hand side.
Step 4:
- Click the "New Document" tab
Step 5:
- After clicking New Document, you will have a dropdown menu for the Document Repository.
- NOTE*** There can be multiple repositories. Each are treated as completely separate repositories, if multiple clubs or governing bodies are requesting a document, you will need to upload it more than once.
- If you do not see any repositories listed, you will need to contact your Club/Organization as they will need to make this correction.
Step 6:
- Choose the repository and click Go
- Click Choose File and upload the document
- Click Save
Step 7:
- A green SUCCESSFUL banner will appear if everything has worked properly.