This article will demonstrate the steps a Manager/Coach can take to submit a score for a Match.
Step 1:
- From your Dashboard, Select Team Management
Step 2:
- On the Left select Matches
Step 3:
- Use the filter drop downs to select your team and/or event to narrow the list of games shown and when you've located the match being input, on the Right
- Click the three dots and then select Match Stats
Step 4:
- Once the window pops up you will enter the score under the correct team or click "Choose File" and upload the game sheet.
- Here you can also click on any Color Card box and input the info.
- Here is what that window will look like when choosing Yellow, Red, Injury, or Other.
- Once all of the info is inputted, click "Save"
Note: If Match Stats does not show, please contact the event as you may be past the scoring deadline