If you receive the error message "Email/UserID has already been taken" error when trying to set up your parent account. It could be connected as the child UserID, instead of being used as the parent UserID. Below are a few scenarios, and the steps your Club Admin can take to fix them.
NOTE** You will need to contact your Club Administrator to fix the accounts. If they have any questions or need help, they can contact GotSport Tech Support directly.
- Parent cannot create a GotSport profile as their Email/UserID is being used by their Child.
- Child has duplicate accounts - is set as both the parent and child.
- Child is set as a Parent with siblings and parents listed as family members.
Scenario 1: Parent Cannot Create a GotSport Profile as Their Email/UserID is Being Used by Their Child
Sometimes a parent may be unable to register and create a GotSport profile as their child has already been mistakenly assigned that email address (Email/UserID). This is the error message that you will see:
To fix this, please contact your club/organization admin, who will be able to transfer the email address to your parent account using these instructions:
Once they have moved the email they can then create the parent profile and add their child as a family member by using these instructions:
Scenario 2: Child Has Duplicate Accounts - Set as Both the Parent & Child
Sometimes a parent profile may accidentally be set up with their child's information, even though the child already has an account. To verify if this is your issue:
- Sign into your GotSport Account. The account Dashboard should be YOUR first/last name, not your child.
- Click the Family tab, and you should see your children listed there.
- Please see the below screenshot, where the parent is signing into their parent account, but has the name of the child as the account information.
The parent can fix this by signing into their account and changing the details of the profile assigned to the login. However, if they are unable to change the details or photo it means the profile has been locked and they will have to either contact their club or governing body to amend the details.
Alternatively, the club can Merge the two accounts by:
- Adding the duplicate player profile to their club.
- Merge the duplicate profiles.
- Remove the parent's email address (Email/UserID) from the child's profile.
- Finally, the admin can Create and Add the Parent's Profile to the Player
Scenario 3: The child is Set Up as a Parent with Siblings and Parent Listed as Family Members.
Sometimes a child's profile will accidentally be set up as a Parent with sibling's profiles and a parent's profile is linked as a family member.
In this instance, a club administrator can resolve the issue by:
- Locating the player and removing the parent's email from the Email/UserID box. Here is a guide: As Club Admin - Transfer UserID from Child Account to Parent Account
- Locating the parent's profile under family members and adding the parent's email to the Email/UserID box. Please reference the guide in Step 1.
- Removing all family members from the Player's Profile
- Adding the parent's profile as a parent/guardian to all family members they will be taking care of from their profile. Here is a guide: How to Add a Parent/Guardian to a Player Profile