This article will detail how a referee assignor requests access to an event. This is the first step in the assigning process. An assignor would not be able to see schedules or assign without the appropriate access to the event and the subsequent field and age division permissions. Please contact the event director first if you do not see a field or age group. You will want to have your own assignor organization account created, or have an assignor role with the club/organization that you will be assigned for. Creating Referee Assignor
Step 1:
In your assignor account, click on the "Referees" module on the left navigation menu. Next click on "Assigning".
Step 2:
Click on "Events" and the "Search Events". You can scroll down the list of events that appear or search for a specific event.
Step 3:
Once the event is located, select "View Event". This will take you to an event detail page. When you are approved, you will be able to see the event details, a referee registration link, and the listed referees attending the event.
Step 4:
Click the request button. A green flash will appear across the screen. The event will now need to approve the assignor and provide the appropriate field, age group permissions, and schedule.
Checking Event Approval: Events that the assignor has requested access to will appear in "Assigned Events". Events that the assignor is approved for and are active or in the future will appear in "Current Assigning Events". Events that the assignor is pending will appear under "Requested Assigning Events". Events that have ended will be under "Show Past Events".