If your event will NOT use a standard game template you can follow instruction here to create your own custom template or import a GotSoccer Legacy template.
Some events may wish to create a format where teams do not play the same number of games, in such instances they will not be able to use a standard game template, but can create their own following the steps below:
Step 1.
- Login to your Organization's Account, open the "Scheduling" module and click on "Group Play Templates".
Step 2.
- Click on the " + New Group Play Template" button at the top of the page.
Step 3.
- Give the template a name that will easily identify what type of a template you are setting up.
Step 4.
- Input how many rounds (days of competition) will be included in your template.
Step 5.
- Enter the number of brackets in your template, as well as how many teams in each bracket.
Step 6.
- Type in the number of matchups for each team (The number of times teams will play each other).
Step 7.
- If needed, type in the description any details of your template. For example: 4 team division, Group a plays 3 games, Groups B, C & D play 2 games over two days.
Step 8.
- Click on the save button to proceed.
Step 9.
- When you are building your template from scratch, you will do this by using the drag and drop tool.
On the right side of the page, you will see a "Key" with all of your teams listed. In the middle of the page you will see the spot where all of your rounds are listed, as well as match spots for "Home" and "Away" teams.
Step 10.
- For each match, you will drag the team to their match sport.
- For example, drag the home team "A1" and drop it on a match spot.
- Then find an opposing team and drag it to the away spot to create a matchup.
NOTE* - The Team will disappear from the key and will reappear once you drop your cursor over the home or away sport
- You can see the team A1 beginning to disappear as It is dragged from the key
- As A1 is dragged it completely disappears
- It appears again once dropped in the home or away spot.
NOTE* - As a default, all rounds start with only two match spots, but once you fill in the matches the system will automatically create new match spots.
- Since the two matches are filled a new match slot appeared in Round 1.
**As you are populating match ups you will see a fraction "x/x" populate next to that matchup. This indicates the number of times the two teams are scheduled to play each other, and whether it is the first, second, third etc., match they play against each other.
For example, A1 & A3 are scheduled to play three times, the first game will show as 1/3, the second game 2/3 and the third game 3/3.
***You will also notice that as you create matches, numbers will populate next to the team's in your "key". These numbers keep track of how many times a team is home/away in your schedule to help keep balance.
For example, A1 2/1 means A1 have two home games and one away game.