If the event you are attending has set up online check-in and allowed you to be able to upload documents, you can provide these uploads to the event ahead of time to expedite your check-in process.
Step 1:
Log in to your coach/manager account and click on the "Team Management" button
Step 2:
Click on the name of the team you are working on
Step 3:
Open the "Team Registrations" tab
Step 4:
Click on the Event that you are Working to Upload Documents to
Step 5:
Open the "Registration" tab
Step 6:
Next click on the "Edit" button
Step 7:
For any files that are being asked to be uploaded, you will be able to click on the "choose file" button and upload accordingly. If you have a challenge uploading a document, there is a good chance that the document is too large and will need to be decreased in size.
The max file size that can be uploaded is 20 mb
Step 8: Click Save
Step 9:
Once this is complete, then the event director will be able to view your documents for the online check in process.
***Note that you will only be able to upload one file. If you have multiple documents that need uploaded, you will need to condense/merge them into one file and here are some helpful instructions to do this: https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/online/merge-pdf.html.