If the event you are attending has set up online check in and allowed you to be able to upload documents, you can provide these uploads to the event ahead of time to expedite your check in process.
1. Log in to your coach/manager account and click on the "Team Management" button
2. Click on the name of the team you are working on
3. Open the "Team Registrations" tab
4. Click on the Event that you are Working to Upload Documents to
5. Open the "Registration" tab
6. Next click on the "Edit" button
7. For any files that are being asked to be uploaded, you will be able to click on the "choose file" button and upload accordingly. If you have a challenge uploading a document, there is a good chance that the document is too large and will need to be decreased in size.
8. Click Save
9. Once this is complete, then the event director will be able to view your documents for the online check in process.
***Note that you will only be able to upload one file. If you have multiple documents that need uploaded, you will need to condense/merge them into one file and here are some helpful instructions to do this: https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/online/merge-pdf.html.