This article will show you how to create an Event (League or Tournament) as a Club Admin.
It is just one step in the process to build an event in GotSport. Please see the below support articles for a higher overview of building an event:
13 Steps to Build a Tournament
Step 1:
- If you haven't already, you'll need to create the Competition from the Dashboard.
- Click Scheduling>Competitions> New Competition.
- If you are unsure of this process, please see this guide: Create a Competition
Step 2:
- You can now create an Event.
- From the Dashboard, click the Scheduling> Events. You can then click New Event.
Step 3:
A new window will appear and you can begin entering the necessary information.
- Select the CORRECT Competition the event will be under. You can create multiple types of competitions from within the Scheduling>Competition tab.
- For this scenario, you will select either a Tournament, or League Competition.
- Fill out the Start Date, End Date, Seasonal Year, as well as the Age Method.
- Select the Affiliation, if applicable, if not, select Other.
- NOTE*** If you select an affiliation, only teams that are affiliated with that governing body will be able to register to this event.
- An Accounting Code is required to proceed. An accounting code is a code given to an account to form a chart of accounts. For example, you could assign 'Fall24' to all of your events and programs that are within your Fall season for 2024 to later view accounting information based on this code.
- The Event Location is required information and will need to be input.
- When complete select Save.
Step 4:
- Once saved, you will be brought to the Scheduling tab, the next step is to click Event.
- Fill in the additional required information
- Competition: This should default to the Competition you selected when creating the event in the above steps. However, you can change which competition this event will fall under if needed.
- Age Method: Select the age method you want to use, either "Calendar Year" or "School Year."
- Website URL: If you have a club or tournament website, you can enter the URL in this section.
- Merchant Profile: If you have more than one, you're able to choose which merchant profile you will want applications from this event to be processed to.
Required Forms: If you are requiring a form(s) to be completed, this is where you can check off which forms to include.
- Form Requirement Type: Select if you want to require all selected forms to be completed or just any of them. Here is a helpful guide for How to Create Forms
- Logo: Upload your club or event logo.
- Athlete Registration Pools: If you are allowing for a Player Pool, here is where you will select the Program that those players signed up for.
- Description: Here is where you can write a brief description of this event that will appear on the public schedule page.
- Payment Terms/Refund Policy: The applicant will be required to agree to these terms before checking out.
- Notification Emails: All emails listed will receive confirmation emails for registrations. To list multiple emails, simply separate them by using a comma.
- Entry Details: This text will populate on the application for your event.
- Schedule Details: This text will populate on your event's public schedule page.
- Event Alert: Here you can create a pop-up alert for an important message.
- Payment Address: The address where you would like payments to be sent if you are opting to receive checks for payments.
- Select Save when you're finished.