This article will show you how to set up your Fees and Payments for your League or Tournament
Step One:
- From within your Event, click the Fees And Payments tab to set up your fees.
- On the right-hand side select New Registration Fee.
Step Two:
*Only put pricing here if you want each individual team to have a payment method collected at the time of registration. If you plan to charge fees in bulk, to all clubs, you will not need to put your pricing in this area, it will go elsewhere. Here is our document for Event Billing
The required fields for a fee are as follows (See Screenshots below):
- Name: Name of the fee
- Description: Description of the Fee (optional)
- Gender: If you want this fee to be gender specific, or both.
- Teams: Only used if you have specific fees for different teams.
- Ages: The ages this fee is for.
- Team Club / Organization: Only used if you have specific fees for different clubs.
- Competitive Levels: Only used if you have specific fees for different competitive levels
- Initial Fee: This is the fee charged to play in the event. If you are not offering monthly payments, this will be the fee that will be paid in full for the event. If you are offering monthly payments, this will be the first charge to their Credit Card
- Total Available: If you'd like to have a specific number of times teams can use this fee. IE: Special early bird pricing for the first 10 teams that register.
- Late Registration Setting: How you would like to handle monthly payments if the registrant signs up late. Preserve Dates/Back Charge is if you want to preserve the dates you've selected for the payment plans and back charge the registrant. Or Instead of back charging, the fee will stay the same, but additional payments will be taken out in the same time increments you have created.
- Allow Credit Card Payments: Club must have a Merchant Account to accept Credit Card Fees
- Allow Check/Money Orders: The option to enable Pay by Check. (For events that are on Partner Model Pricing, Gotsport software fees will automatically be added as a feature)
- Active: If you would like this Fee to appear on the registration, check off the box.
- Monthly Fees: Only applicable if you're setting up payment plans. Here is some additional information regarding Monthly Payments
Once complete select Save.
Note: if you want to charge clubs in bulk, you can put $0 for the initial fee, but you still need the ages to be set correctly, or at least set to "All" if you allow all ages.