When creating transfer form types, club admins can now choose to notify staff with both the receiving and sending organizations.
Step 1.
- From within your Club/Organization Account, locate and click on the Forms module, and then click on the second forms button that appears under the module.
Step 2.
- Click on the "New" button to create your form
Step 3.
- Scroll down to find the form "Type" drop down and click on the drop down. You'll then select one of the transfer forms available
Step 4.
- After selecting the form, the option of selecting sending and receiving recipients will appear
Step 5.
- When clicking on the drop down box for either the sending or receiving recipients, you can choose which type of user will be notified and receive updates on the forms(s).
Step 6.
- Once set up, the indicated users will be notified as updates become available on the different forms.