Bonus points are additional points awarded to teams based on specific game results. These points are only available in GotSoccer events as we need the full set of scores as well as complete verification of the teams that participated, neither of which we could manually enter any event. Events using our software store their official event data in our system and all data is managed and verified by the event itself. That feeds directly into the rankings, allowing the bonus points system to be entirely automated.
Two things are required for bonus points to be awarded automatically
1) The scores must be entered within 3 weeks of the match date. If a score is entered any time after this you will need to contact our staff to have those bonus points assigned.
2) The game must be assigned to a field. If the game is not assigned to a field then it is not eligible for bonus points!! Our staff cannot assign or schedule any games so you will need to contact the event for assistance with any unassigned games.
There are two types of bonus points: Results Bonus Points and Achievements Bonus Points.
Results Bonus Points
These are points awarded to a team for any win or draw in a GotSoccer events. A win is worth 30 points and a draw is worth 10 points. These points are awarded to teams regardless of their rankings.
Achievement Bonus Points
These are points that are awarded for beating a team that is either higher ranked than your team (200+ more rankings points) or a team that has placed in the USYSA National Championship Series at the state, regional or national level.
These points are limited to once per opponent per event. In other words, if you defeat the same team twice in the same competition, you will only receive these points for the first victory.
Bonus Points for beating a team that has 200+ more ranking points than your team:
Your team gets 10% of that team's points. The bonus points are only awarded in events using GotSoccer tournament software. It's an automatic function and our tournament software calculates the bonus points. Points are not taken away from any team for this.
Bonus Points for beating a State Champion, Finalist or Semi-Finalist:
Beating a State Champion at any stage during tournament play gives your team extra points. You get awarded a bonus equal to 10% of the vanquished team's total points, with a limit of 75.
- Other State Champions are not eligible
- Bonus points for beating a particular team are only awarded once per event. Beating the same State Champion twice in the same event will result in the bonus points being awarded only once.
- The bonus points are only awarded in events using GotSoccer tournament software
For example, if your team beats a State Champion which has 1300 points, you get a bonus of 75. However, if you beat a State Champion with only 450 points, your bonus will be 45 points.
Beating a State Finalist is worth 10% of that team's points, with a maximum of 38 points, while beating a State Semi-Finalist is worth 10% of that teams points with a maximum of 18. Other State finalists are not eligible. State semi-finalists are eligible for bonus points if they beat a current State finalist, but do not receive any bonus points for beating other State semi-finalists. Bonus points for beating Finalists and Semi-Finalists only apply to events using GotSoccer tournament software played after August 1.
Bonus Points for beating a Regional Champion, Finalist or Semi-Finalist:
Beating a Regional Champion at any stage during tournament play gives your team extra points. You get awarded a bonus equal to 10% of the vanquished team's total points, with a limit of 100.
- Other Regional Champions are not eligible
- Bonus points for beating a particular team are only awarded once per event. Beating the same State Champion twice in the same event will result in the bonus points being awarded only once.
- The bonus points are only awarded in events using GotSoccer tournament software
For example, if your team beats a Regional Champion which has 1300 points, you get a bonus of 100. However, if you beat a Regional Champion with only 750 points, your bonus will be 75 points.
Beating a Regional Finalist is worth 10% of that team's points, with a maximum of 50 points, while beating a Regional Semi-Finalist is worth 10% of that teams points with a maximum of 25. Other Regional finalists are not eligible. Regional semi-finalists are eligible for bonus points if they beat a current Regional finalist, but do not receive any bonus points for beating other Regional semi-finalists. Bonus points for beating Finalists and Semi-Finalists only apply to events using GotSoccer tournament software played after August 1.
Bonus Points for beating a National Champion or Finalist:
Beating a National Champion at any stage during tournament play gives your team extra points. You get awarded a bonus equal to 10% of the vanquished team's total points, with a maximum of 150. Beating a National Finalist is worth 10% of that team's points with a maximum of 125.
- Bonus points for beating a particular team are only awarded once per event. Beating the same National Champion twice in the same event will result in the bonus points being awarded only once.
- The bonus points are only awarded in events using GotSoccer tournament software.
300 Point Maximum:
There is a maximum limit of 300 points on all bonus points awarded. We do not award more than 300 points for any achievement.
*** With the exception of the U19 age group teams are only eligible for bonus points if the team they defeat is in the same age as them or older. U19 teams are eligible for bonus points if they defeat a U18 or U19 team.