Populating Options:
- Option A) Manually search for existing users or creating users, if allowed
- Option B) Upload referees if allowed
- Option C) Add referees from the event list
- Option D) Search Governing Association Referee Pool, if available
This article will provide guidance on the different ways to populate referees to the Assignor's referee pool. This will allow the assignor to provide assignments for different events. The referee must be in the assignor's pool to give them games.
All referees must have their own unique Email/ User ID in their own account to operate in GotSport regardless of age. We recommend this be the same email used in the USSF Learning Center to improve syncing capabilities.
Navigate to the Referees tab on the left navigation menu. Click on "Referee Profile." This is the area the assignor will add the referee user's accounts to their organization.
Option A) Manually search for existing users or create users, if allowed
Step 1:
Click the "+NEW" blue button on the upper right side. This will open a new page that has five filters that the assignor can use to add a referee account.
Step 2:
Search for the referee account. The first three fields are required: email/User ID, First Name, and Last Name. If the referee account exists, it will appear with a "Request Role Approval". This will send an email to the referee who will have to approve the invitation.
If the assignor knows the DOB and Postal Code they can add that information in those fields to add the referee automatically.
Step 3- Optional
If there is not a referee account with matching information for those data fields in the system, the assignor will be prompted to enter the information to create a new user. Fill out the information and click save at the bottom. First Name, Last Name, DOB, Address, Email/UserID, and Password are required.
A common error is "email already exists." Please see the link below to see the most common reasons and solutions for this error.
Why do I get Email/User ID Taken when trying to add/create a user?
Option B) Upload referees if allowed
Step 1:
Click the "Upload Referees" button in the top bar. This will take the assignor to a page that shows the required information to upload referees.
Step 2:
Click on "Download template with only required columns" or "Download Template." A blank template .csv file will download and the assignor can utilize it to match up their referee's information to prepare for the upload. The Instruction table will guide the assignor through the correct format and required data fields needed for the upload.
Note: When the information is complete in your template, be sure to save the file as either a .csv or .txt file so it is compatible with the upload. An Excel (.xls), Numbers, or Google Sheet file will not be compatible.
Step 3:
Go to the Import into Club section and fill in the information needed for the upload. Click 'Choose File' to select the file and click the Open Selected File button
Step 4:
Match up the Column Headers from the Referee Upload file and click the Import Data button. The assignor will receive an email with the results from the upload to determine which accounts were created.
Note: The Column Headers do not have to be in the order of the Required Columns list from the Instructions table, as long as each of the required columns is matched up, then the upload will be completed.
Step 5:
After the assignor imports their data, they will receive a message stating "Your import has been queued." They will receive an email with the results when the import is finished processing.
Note: Depending on the size of your import, this can take several minutes to complete.
Option C) Add Referees from the event list
Step 1:
Go to the Referees and then Assigning. Click view event on the event the assignor wants to view the listed referees.
Step 2:
Click "Add Referee" to the referee listed in the event to the assignor pool. A green flash will appear across the screen.
D) Search Governing Referee Pool, if available
Step 1:
Click "Search Referees" in the top bar. This will search a pool of referees made available by a parent governing organization. Use the filters to search for referees.
Step 2:
Click the add button on the right-hand side to add the referee to your pool.