Once referees are assigned to their matches, there are several ways to notify referees of their offered assignments. You can notify from the match chart A) for the Entire Day of Assignments; B) For an Individual Match or C) From a Detailed Match View; finally D) Resend Notifications. You will want to start by navigating to Referees and then Assigning.
A) Notify the entire day of Assignments
Select the Match Chart to view the day's available assignments. On the right-hand side, click "Notify Assignments." This will notify all referees that are scheduled for any game on a particular day.
B) Notify an Individual Match
Click on the match of your choosing in the chart view. This will bring up the needed positions and the listed referees that have been offered the match. In this section scroll down until you see "notify assignments." Clicking this will notify those referees for the individual match that they have been offered a position.
C) Notify from a Detailed Match View
Step 1:
Click on the match list to navigate to the available matches. Find the specific match you would want to view and click on Assign.
Step 2:
Click "notify all" on the upper left side. This will notify all the referees on this match.
Step 3:
Under each position, there is a blue "notify" button. Clicking this button will notify the individual referee that they have an assignment. You will see a green "Notified" if an email has been sent to the referee.
Note: A referee will only be notified once. Clicking any notify option more once will not send multiple emails.
D) Resending Notifications
While on the match detail view, there are two ways to resend notifications. There is a "resend notification" button under each referee. This will resend the notification to the individual referee.
You can also resend a notification to an entire crew by clicking "resend notifications". Emails will then go out to all referees on this game.