Club Administrators can use the filters to identify which players within their organization need to complete the Safe Sport requirement.
Please watch the video linked above for a more comprehensive tutorial of SafeSport-related org admin responsibilities and next steps.
- From the Club Management --> Players list, select the US CLUB - SafeSport (Youth Players) - 2023-24 - Required/Not Submitted option from the Select Saved Search drop-down in the upper-right corner.
Alternatively, you may set the following filters manually:
- Player Affiliate Name | is | USCLUB
- Player Seasonal Year | is | CURRENT SEASONAL YEAR
- Player Age or Older | is | 18 (this means a minimum of age 18)
- Player Age on Date | is | 07/31/2025 (this applies to the 2024-25 registration year)
- Player Safe Sport | is | Not Created
TIP: Select "Save Search" to avoid needing to manually set these filters in the future if one does not already appear for your club.
Additionally, you may monitor SafeSport completion status for your players by updating the Player Safe Sport filter based on the appropriate status. Please reference the Status Key below.
- Required / Not Created: All steps are outstanding. That is, parental permission has not been provided (if applicable), nor has SafeSport training been synced/approved in the individual's GotSport account.
- Pending: Parental approval has been provided (if applicable). The course may or may not have been completed, but it has not yet been synced/approved, nor has a certificate been uploaded for manual approval by US Club Soccer, in the individual's GotSport account.
- Review: Parental approval has been provided (if applicable), and a certificate has been uploaded to the individual's GotSport account for manual approval by US Club Soccer.
- Approved: The SafeSport requirement is approved for the applicable season. No further action is necessary.