A member org admin is required to complete this SOR- Adverse Eligibility Review certification for all youth players who will be 18+ years old during the applicable registration year, and any adult player who is on a team with a Minor Athlete (someone who is under 18 years old).
From the Club Management --> Players list, select the US CLUB - SOR-Adverse Eligibility Review (Youth Players) - Required/Not Complete option from the Select Saved Search drop-down in the upper-right corner.
Alternatively, you may set the following filters manually:
- Player Affiliate Name | is | USCLUB
- Player Seasonal Year | is | 22/23 (or, a different season)
- Player Age or Older | is | 18 (this means a minimum of age 18)
- Player Age on Date | is | 07/31/2023 (this applies to the 2022-23 registration year)
- Player SOR- Adverse Eligibility Review (Players) certification by Member Org Admin | is | Not Created (This will include players for which this requirement has not been submitted/approved. Feel free to choose "Approved", "Pending" or an alternate selection to see the players with a different status)
TIP: Select "Save Search" to avoid needing to manually set these filters in the future if one does not already appear for your club.
Click on the name of the applicable player.
From the player's Account tab, click on Requirements on the left side of module, then click on "Details" for Adverse Eligibility Review (Players) certification by Member Org Admin.
Click on Submit New Report.
Complete all information in the form, read and follow the Instructions section, and click the Submit button. The information is to reflect that of the player for whom this requirement is being completed. That is, do not list the information of the member org admin completing this certification/requirement for the player.