Club administrators now can print off individual player ID cards with multiple on a page.
*Note: You can only print Player ID Cards if the event has that setting enabled. If you follow the below directions and do not see the ID Card button, the event does not have that setting enabled, and will need to reach out to them to get it turned on.
Step 1.
- From the club dashboard click on "Club Management" and then on "Rosters"
Step 2
- Click on the "Event" drop-down and select the event that ID Cards are being printed from
Step 3
- Click on the check box for any/all players that you'd like to print their player ID cards for and then click the "ID Card" button and this will allow you to print the cards for just those players.
- If the blue ID Card button does not show, please reach out to the event and request they turn on the feature for Individual Player Cards.