23/24 to 24/25 Transition FAQ:
Will I have to create new teams?
- No, you can register your same existing teams to your league and adjust your rosters accordingly.
What can I expect if I am uploading players to the system?
- You should have three different types of scenarios. Here is an FAQ for each scenario:
Scenario One - Players that played in my club last season:
- As long as Affiliation, First Name, Last Name, DOB (with correct date format in file), parent name and email are the same; any other information will just update.
- You may end up with a duplicate player profile in your player list if your file has a different name, gender or DOB than the player that is already in your clubs player list in the system. If for some reason the data does not match, you can update the player profiles to match your spreadsheet or update your spreadsheet to match the player profile and reupload.
Scenario Two - Players that are brand new to the GotSport system:
- These players should upload and accounts will be created as long as you have the required columns in your file.
Scenario Three - Players that are currently in the GotSport system, but played for a different organization last season:
- Data from the GotSport system matches your spreadsheet (Affiliation, First Name, Last Name, DOB, Gender). This will create a role for that player in your club, and you should see them in your Club Management Players list.
- If a parent does not get added to the player, it is because the parent email already exists in the system to someone else.
What can I expect when adding coaches or managers to my club?
- You should have three different scenarios when adding coaches or managers to your club. Here is an FAQ for each scenario.
Scenario One - Coaches/Managers who have a GotSport account already:
- If you are uploading, As long as the First Name, Last Name and Email in your file match to what is on their existing account, coach/manager will be added to your club.
- If you are manually searching/adding these coaches and managers, and their First Name, Last Name, and Email matches the information you are searching, you will be prompted to send a Role Request Approval email. If you search the additional optional information (Date of Birth, and Zip Code) you can bypass the email request and add them directly.
- If you have all required information, you can bypass the email request by adding them directly to a team. This will give them the coach or manager role to your club. To do this, go to Club Management - Teams - Click on a team - Click Roster - Click coach or manager - search by First Name, Last Name, and email.
Scenario Two - Coach or Manager does not have a GotSport Account:
- Account will get created for them via the upload or you will create the account for them if adding manually.
Scenario Three: The addition of a coach or manager fails because the email/user ID is already taken.
- This means there is an account in the system that already has the email that you are trying to add them with and the account does not match the first or last name.
- You can try to search different variations of their name (Ex. Mat, Matt, or Matthew).
- Check your players list for that email. Make sure the player email is set in the contact email and try again.
- Add the coach/manager with a different email/userid and attach the email you have in their "contact email" box.
Logging In and Adding Admins
Account Login: See how to create and login to your GotSport User Account
Create Club Administrators: Adding Administrators
Adding/Editing user title: Add a Title To A Club User
- This is a new requirement for all Admin users from last season
Editing an Admins Permissions: Editing an Admins Permissions
- Important when separating tasks/what is available in your User’s admin accounts if you would like to limit permissions/access.
Locating Required Governing Body Forms: Locating Required Governing Body Forms
- Any form made available for you from your governing orgs. For example: Affiliation/Transfer Forms
General Club Management
Archive Players previous year players
Uploading players to your club- Note that if you do not include a competitive level or affiliation, you will not see your players initially after you upload and will need to adjust the filters on your player list for them to appear.
Any previously archived players that were uploaded will return to the active player list as long as their uploaded information matches the existing player profile that was archived.
- If you are manually creating players, use the existing player information and login from the previous season to avoid creating unnecessary duplicates
- Search the player DOB, First Name, Last Name to see if an account exists. If yes, then add in the email and postal code to bypass the role approval process and directly add the player.
- If a player does not appear when searching with additional fields (email, postal code), then the email or postal code data that was searched does not match what is listed on the player's account.
- The player photo from the previous season will appear on the profile by default. If it needs to be updated, follow the steps in the link above to add a new one while removing the old one.
- If needed for any reason, a proof of birth document can be added to a player with the steps above.
Duplicate Coach, Manager, and Player User Check - If duplicate player/coach/manager accounts have been created unintentionally, these can be merged as long as the first name, last name, gender and DOB match on both profiles
Archive Teams (If no longer in use)
Resetting the team player list (Removing players, coaches and managers from team)
Sync your team rosters - When you sync your rosters, you now have two options. You can sync to a particular event (seasonal year), which will put any rostered players on your selected even into your team members list. Any players on your Team members list who have not been rostered on your selected event will be removed.
You can also do a "General" sync. Any players that are rostered to any current/future event rosters for that team will be added to that team's player list. Any players on your team members list who are not rostered to any of your team's event rosters will be removed.
Team ages do not need to be changed manually. When the new season begins on August 1, all team ages will update automatically in the system. If a team age is manually changed, the system will then have the team "age up" again on August 1 and the age will be incorrect.
If Team Rosters are the same from the previous season with minor changes
- Clone that team's previous season's "Registration Event Roster"
- Assign Players to a Team
Team Rosters Starting from Scratch -
DO NOT CLONE AT ALL - Players From the Previous Season will be removed during the next steps
- Assign Players to a Team
- Resetting the team player list- Needs to be done if you haven't already
- sync your team rosters -When you sync your rosters, all players that were just rostered will be added as any current/future event rosters for that team will be added to that teams player list. If you'd like to sync your rosters, please Reset the Team Player List before syncing. This will allow the rosters to update accurately.