Club Administrators can use the filters to identify which players within their organization need to complete the Safe Sport and other risk management requirements.
- From your Admin Dashboard, click Club Management > Players
Step 2:
Use the filters below to narrow down your results. You can click Add Filter
- Player Affiliate Name | is | AFFILIATION
- Player Seasonal Year | is | 23/24 (or, a different season)
- Player Age or Older | is | 18 (this means a minimum of age 18)
- Player Age on Date | is | 07/31/202_ This will find the results for all players who will turn 18 before the end of the Seasonal Year
- Player Safe Sport | is | Not Created
TIP: Click "Save Search" to avoid needing to manually set these filters in the future if one does not already appear for your club
- Required / Not Created = All steps are outstanding. That is, parental permission has not been provided (if applicable), nor has SafeSport training been synced/approved in the individual's GotSport account.
- Pending = Parental approval has been provided (if applicable). The course may or may not have been completed, but it has not yet been synced/approved in the individual's GotSport account.
- Review = Parental approval has been provided (if applicable), and a certificate has been uploaded to the individual's GotSport account for manual approval by US Club Soccer.
- Approved = The SafeSport requirement is approved for the applicable season. No further action is necessary.
If users need help completing the SafeSport course, please see these documents:
SafeSport for Minors (17, turning 18 before end of Seasonal Year)