The new detail view for match assigning will allow assignors to efficiently assign referees individually to a match. In addition, the individual referee or the entire crew may be moved to additional matches by using Drag and Drop. The color coding of the game and assignments will help the assignor to know the status of the game, as well as the status of the assignment, offers to the referees.
Navigate to Referee > Assigning > Assigning > Detail
On the detail chart, you will find filters hidden so the page can display more of the chart. As seen below, click "View Filter" to display and utilize filters to select events and a date to view.
Each field may be collapsed to display desired fields only, see above.
Assigning referees to matches:
1) Access pop-up for game or position, see image above
2) Drag and Drop either by the game to move the entire crew or individual referees
Pop-up Box Assignments
The pop-up will provide more game details as well as drop-down to select available referees for assignments. The game pop-up includes arrows to rotate the crew within positions, see below.
Drag and Drop Assignments
After making initial assignments, you will be able to drag and drop individual referees or the whole crew to additional matches. Grab either a game box or a specific referee box to drag over the box of another match or position, see the video below.
Color Legend